Sitting here,
Just cooling my heels…
Waiting for you,
Like I always do-o.
Wonder when,
It will be time,
When I’m no longer waiting…
When I’ll stop towing your line!
Do you think I have nothing else to do
‘cept sitting around
Waiting for you?
Standing here,
Staring at the clock,
Waiting for you,
As it goes, “tick, tock”.
Is your time,
Worth more than mine?
You’re abusing your power…
The clock has past another hour!
Do you think I have nothing else to do
‘cept sitting around
Waiting for you?
What is it…
This latest excuse…
Better be good.
Do you even think,
‘bout others?
As they are wait,
With their lives(hold for beat) stuck on hold…
Except to pass on the blame?
Do you think I have nothing else to do
‘cept sitting around
Waiting for you?
Still, I’m here…
Do you think it’s fair,
For you to keep ,
Me waiting, here and there?
In your own,
Time zone it seems…
I joke, yet I’m waiting still…
Perhaps, I should send you a bill?
Do you think I have nothing else to do
‘cept sitting around
Waiting for you?
Staring up,
At the lights on my dash…
Wondering if,
The battery will last.
Do you not,
Know that it’s rude?
Maybe you should grab a clue,
That an apology is due!
Don’t you know I have better things to do,
Than sitting around,
Waiting for you!